The Project

This project was born in a video game. The game is called Forza Horizon, it's a series of racing games which my friends and I all play. During the height of the pandemic We would race together and created a car club called the Goon Squad Racing Division.

The Logo

The original logo for this project was created in the actual game that inspired it. That said I though it could use some help from tools I can't use when creating graphics in the game. The final logo was created using my own handwriting and is a much stronger icon than the original. The only thing that remained essentially the same is the long form wordmark which is nearly identical to its in game counterpart.

Here are a couple of examples of the kind of livery which inspired this project. Due to the limitations of the game these are much simpler than the product I ended up creating. Shown here are a 1997 Mclaren F1 GT, and a 1998 Subaru 22B-STI, personal favorites of mine.

GSRD Stuff

The best part of every Identity project is creating the deliverables. Since this is an absolute passion project I went a little crazy and created a ton of products for the project.


I chose sponsors I would want myself and kept it simple. Tools I use, Clothes I wear, parts I want, and man wouldn't it be nice to see a BMW power plant back on the grid.