The Project

This project Also started close to home. In fact it Also started right at home. MY Mom, Debbie, has always been an avid gardener. As a kid she kept some fantastic beds in our backyard. Over the years they fell apart a bit and over grew but the potential was always there still. Over the past 3 years We've been taking them back and making them shine again. This project was inspired by that effort.

The Logo

I started the project with The idea to create a Piano tuning brand inspired by my mom. and through the development of this icon I went with her other passion, Gardening. The cactus was originally a tuning fork, but as i Worked the Cactus sort of appeared naturally. The type choices I made to pair with the cactus logo itself were inspired by a building in downtown Syracuse that both my Mom and I really like. The national grid building, formerly the Niagara Mohawk building. It's art deco and cool as hell.

Colors & LOGOs

My mom is a huge fan of the color green so That was a given. The rest of the colors came from the need for depth. as well as the bolder type choices. this all supports the more dimensional look of this branding.


having worked in this industry I knew the deliverables would be simple. Shirts, hats, and hoodies. The challenge was deciding between a truck and a van. I went with the van because I Think this brand would be a supplier not installer. Vans make for better delivery vehicles.